Doggy News and Blog. Photoshoots, articles and more.

  • Will My Whippet Puppy Calm Down?

    Whippet puppies bring light and energy into a home with their thin bodies and endless energy. Their lively nature is cute, but owners often wonder – will my whippet puppy calm down? Learning to manage a whippet puppy's energy is exciting yet challenging. Effective training and understanding their growth are key to turning their energy into elegance.
  • Best Dogs That Are Good With Cats

    Imagine a home where paws and purrs blend in harmony. Picture your cat with a dog that matches its calmness. Many people want dogs that get along with cats to create a peaceful home. We know that combining pets needs care to achieve a scene of dogs and cats living closely. This article will tell you about the best dog breeds that love cats. These breeds help create a home where your pets live in harmony.
  • Assistance Dogs for Autism - UK Support Guide

    Assistance dogs for autism are the unsung heroes in this story, offering comfort and security to many. These are not ordinary pets; they are support dogs specially trained for autism. They turn challenges into triumphs with their skills. Let's delve into how these amazing animals provide incredible support.
  • Which Dogs Don't Shed?

    Starting the journey of pet ownership comes with many questions. One key question is, "Which dogs don't shed?" The idea of a dog that doesn't leave hair everywhere is attractive, but seems unlikely. Whether you need a dog for allergy reasons, want minimal shedding, or just prefer a clean home, choosing the right dog is a big decision.
  • Understanding Greyhound or Deerhound Differences

    The greyhound and the deerhound, both synonymous with grace, speed, and poise. But what sets these two similar yet distinct breeds apart, and how does pet selection between the two resonate with your personal lifestyle and preferences?
  • Caring for Greyhounds with Corns: Tips & Advice

    Are you a proud owner of a greyhound, but worried about the foot problems they often face? If your greyhound is suffering from corns, you're in the right place! In this article, I will share expert tips and advice on how to care for greyhounds with corns. We will explore the common foot problem known as canine pododermatitis, commonly seen in greyhounds, and discover effective ways to treat and manage these corns.
  • What Is A Lurcher?

    This guide aims to shed light on lurcher information, unveiling what a lurcher is, how this breed stands apart in the dog world, and why the intrigue around the lurcher dog is growing among pet enthusiasts. Let’s leap into the lore and allure of the lurcher breed and discover the nuances that make these dogs a truly fascinating topic of study.
  • Essential Greyhound Training Tips for Owners

    We've poured our collective experience into unravelling the mysteries of greyhound behaviour training. With a wealth of knowledge, we aim to guide you through greyhound obedience training, step by patient step. Whether you're a novice or seeking to enhance your expertise with professional greyhound training, our insights will illuminate the path to a well-adjusted and contented companion.
  • Whip Up Fun: DIY Dog Toys and Treats for Your Dog

    As a pet owner, you want the best for your furry friend. Dogs, including Whippets, Greyhounds, Salukis, and Dachshunds, need mental stimulation and tasty treats to keep them happy and healthy. One fantastic way to achieve this is by creating DIY dog toys and treats right at home. Not only is it a fun activity for you, but it also provides entertainment and nourishment for your beloved canine companion.

  • Decoding Dog Body Language: The Key to Understanding Your Furry Friends

    Dogs are incredible creatures that communicate with us in various fascinating ways. One of the most crucial aspects of understanding your furry companion is deciphering their body language. By observing your Whippet, Greyhound, Saluki, Dachshund, or any other breed closely, you can gain valuable insights into their thoughts and feelings.

  • Dog Grooming Tips and Tricks for Your Beloved Whippet, Greyhound, Saluki, and Dachshund

    Grooming your dog is not just about maintaining their appearance; it is crucial for their overall health and well-being. In the case of Whippets, Greyhounds, Salukis, and Dachshunds, proper grooming is particularly important due to their unique coat characteristics. Here are some tips and tricks to help you keep your furry friends looking and feeling their best.

  • Unleash the Best Training Techniques for Your Whippet, Greyhound, Saluki, or Dachshund

    Training your dog, whether it's a Whippet, Greyhound, Saluki, or Dachshund, is crucial for their well-being and your sanity. A well-trained dog is a joy to be around, and a harmonious relationship is built on a foundation of effective training methods.